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lojban org is fast and beautiful now! la timos
09/08/14(Fri)21:33 No.1320
lojban org is fast and beautiful now! la timos 09/08/14(Fri)21:33 No.1320   []

did you see? it's so great!

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RE: lojban org is fast and beautiful now! Hussell
09/08/15(Sat)16:29 No.1331 []

be'u ba'ucaidai

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RE: lojban org is fast and beautiful now! rarnavon
09/08/16(Sun)04:03 No.1332 []

We ever going to change:

*  Lojban is designed to be used by people in communication with each other, and possibly in the future with computers.
* Lojban is designed to be culturally neutral.
* Lojban has an unambiguous grammar, which is based on the principles of logic.
* Lojban has phonetic spelling, and unambiguous resolution of sounds into words.
* Lojban is simple compared to natural languages; it is easy to learn.
* Lojban's 1300 root words can be easily combined to form a vocabulary of millions of words.
* Lojban is regular; the rules of the language are without exception.
* Lojban attempts to remove restrictions on creative and clear thought and communication.
* Lojban has a variety of uses, ranging from the creative to the scientific, from the theoretical to the practical.


Personally I would at least like to see the bolded sections become hyper links.

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RE: lojban org is fast and beautiful now! Anonymous
09/08/16(Sun)16:05 No.1334 []

It's a wiki. Go write the pages they should link to. :)

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RE: lojban org is fast and beautiful now! tijlan
09/08/16(Sun)16:59 No.1335 []

i'esai doi galfi prenu

But where has the "Exaustive list of short fu'ivla forms" gone?

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RE: lojban org is fast and beautiful now! rarnavon
09/08/17(Mon)00:21 No.1336 []

My changes would border on vandalism I bet. :P

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