Lojban language site
la .jbotcan.
Lojban is a language, proposed as a means of knowledge representation and as a bridge between spoken languages, programming languages and the languages of science and math.
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Lojban stuff
Useful resources
- Tlön, Uqbar and La Gleki's fishy apples
- Navy Seals copypasta translated into Lojban
- Speed of thought
- How many gismu are possible?
- Attitudinals and their expansions
- 4 types of Lojban language dialects
- la krulermorna - a new orthography of Lojban
- Opinions on Lojban
- Are verbs in Lojban language broken?
- How the enemy came to Thlunrana, a story by Lord Dunsany in Lojban logical language
- BNF grammar